Borked Functions?

Borked Functions?

Postby ZimBabwe » Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:39 pm

Okay, I could explain through a long story that I'm getting a lot of scripting errors, but I won't. I will say that about half of them are syntax(I'm a bit rusty). But I'm pretty sure some of the lsl functions just don't work in the grid yet. Anywho, I was wondering if Admin could possibly post a list of the borked functions? However, if he can't, let's let this be the place to post what functions we find that don't work. At least then we can know which ones to veer away from, and heck, maybe we'll find a few workarounds too!
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:03 pm

Re: Borked Functions?

Postby Admin » Tue Sep 15, 2009 12:16 am

hi Zim I hope this list help u a little bit, let me know if you have more questions. See you in-world.

Functions that need testing

* llAngleBetween
* llCloseRemoteDataChannel
* llDeleteSubList
* llDeleteSubString
* llDumpList2String
* llEscapeURL
* llEuler2Rot
* llGetAlpha
* llGetColor
* llHTTPRequest
* llListenControl
* llOpenRemoteDataChannel
* llRemoteDataReply
* llRotBetween
* llSetObjectDesc
* llSetObjectName
* llSubStringIndex
* llToLower
* llToUpper
* llUnescapeURL
* llXorBase64StringsCorrect

Functions that need further work

* llGetSubString
* llList2Integer
* llList2Float
* llRezObject void llRezObject(string inventory, LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, LSL_Types.Quaternion rot, int param);
* llRound

Functions that probably don't need to be implemented

* llGetFreeMemory
* llMakeExplosion
* llMakeFire
* llMakeFountain
* llMakeSmoke
* llXorBase64Strings

Functions that have been implemented

* llAbs
* llAcos
* llAsin
* llAtan2
* llBase64ToString
* llCeil
* llCos
* llCSV2List
* llDie
* llFabs
* llFloor
* llFrand
* llGetAndResetTime
* llGetCreator
* llGetDate
* llGetGMTclock
* llGetKey
* llGetLinkKey
* llGetLinkName
* llGetLinkNumber
* llGetListLength
* llGetLocalPos
* llGetNumberOfPrims
* llGetObjectDesc
* llGetObjectName
* llGetOwner
* llGetPos
* llGetRegionCorner
* llGetRegionName
* llGetRegionTimeDilation
* llGetRot
* llGetScale
* llGetSimulatorHostname
* llGetTexture
* llGetTextureOffset
* llGetTextureRot
* llGetTextureScale
* llGetTime
* llGetUnixTime
* llList2CSV
* llList2Key
* llList2List
* llList2Rot
* llList2String
* llList2Vector
* llListen
* llListenRemove
* llListInsertList
* llOffsetTexture
* llPow
* llResetTime
* llResetScript
* llRotateTexture
* llSay
* llScaleTexture
* llSetAlpha
* llSetColor
* llSetLinkAlpha
* llSetLinkColor
* llSetPos
* llSetRot
* llSetScale
* llSetText
* llSetTexture
* llSetTimerEvent
* llShout
* llSin
* llSleep
* llSqrt
* llTan
* llVecDist
* llVecMag
* llVecNorm
* llWhisper

Unsorted / Unimplemented Functions (a lot down here are working already! need tests tho see functions with "----")

* llAddToLandBanList void llAddToLandBanList(string avatar, double hours);
* llAddToLandPassList void llAddToLandPassList(string avatar, double hours);
* llAdjustSoundVolume void llAdjustSoundVolume(double volume);
* llAllowInventoryDrop void llAllowInventoryDrop(int add);
* llApplyImpulse void llApplyImpulse(LSL_Types.Vector3 force, int local);
* llApplyRotationalImpulse void llApplyRotationalImpulse(LSL_Types.Vector3 force, int local);
* llAttachToAvatar void llAttachToAvatar(int attachment);
* llAvatarOnSitTarget string llAvatarOnSitTarget();
* llAxes2Rot ----
* llAxisAngle2Rot ----
* llBase64ToInteger int llBase64ToInteger(string str);
* llBreakAllLinks void llBreakAllLinks();
* llBreakLink void llBreakLink(int linknum);
* llClearCameraParams void llClearCameraParams();
* llCloud double llCloud(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset);
* llCollisionFilter void llCollisionFilter(string name, string id, int accept);
* llCollisionSound void llCollisionSound(string impact_sound, double impact_volume);
* llCollisionSprite void llCollisionSprite(string impact_sprite);
* llCreateLink void llCreateLink(string target, int parent);
* llDetachFromAvatar void llDetachFromAvatar();
* llDetectedGrab LSL_Types.Vector3 llDetectedGrab(int number);
* llDetectedGroup int llDetectedGroup(int number);
* llDetectedKey string llDetectedKey(int number);
* llDetectedLinkNumber int llDetectedLinkNumber(int number);
* llDetectedName string llDetectedName(int number);
* llDetectedOwner string llDetectedOwner(int number);
* llDetectedPos LSL_Types.Vector3 llDetectedPos(int number);
* llDetectedRot LSL_Types.Quaternion llDetectedRot(int number);
* llDetectedType int llDetectedType(int number);
* llDetectedVel LSL_Types.Vector3 llDetectedVel(int number);
* llDialog void llDialog(string avatar, string message, List<string> buttons, int chat_channel);
* llEdgeOfWorld int llEdgeOfWorld(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, LSL_Types.Vector3 dir);
* llEjectFromLand void llEjectFromLand(string pest);
* llEmail void llEmail(string address, string subject, string message);
* llForceMouselook void llForceMouselook(int mouselook);
* llGetAccel LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetAccel();
* llGetAgentInfo int llGetAgentInfo(string id);
* llGetAgentSize LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetAgentSize(string id);
* llGetAnimation string llGetAnimation(string id);
* llGetAnimationList List<string> llGetAnimationList(string id);
* llGetAttached int llGetAttached();
* llGetBoundingBox List<string> llGetBoundingBox(string obj);
* llGetCameraPos LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetCameraPos();
* llGetCameraRot LSL_Types.Quaternion llGetCameraRot();
* llGetCenterOfMass LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetCenterOfMass();
* llGetEnergy double llGetEnergy();
* llGetForce LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetForce();
* llGetGeometricCenter LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetGeometricCenter();
* llGetInventoryCreator string llGetInventoryCreator(string item);
* llGetInventoryKey string llGetInventoryKey(string name);
* llGetInventoryName string llGetInventoryName(int type, int number);
* llGetInventoryNumber int llGetInventoryNumber(int type);
* llGetInventoryPermMask void llGetInventoryPermMask(string item, int mask);
* llGetInventoryType int llGetInventoryType(string name);
* llGetLandOwnerAt string llGetLandOwnerAt(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos);
* llGetListEntryType ----
* llGetLocalRot LSL_Types.Quaternion llGetLocalRot();
* llGetMass double llGetMass();
* llGetNextEmail void llGetNextEmail(string address, string subject);
* llGetNotecardLine ----
* llGetNumberOfNotecardLines string llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(string name);
* llGetNumberOfSides int llGetNumberOfSides();
* llGetObjectDetails ----
* llGetObjectMass double llGetObjectMass(string id);
* llGetObjectPermMask int llGetObjectPermMask(int mask);
* llGetObjectPrimCount int llGetObjectPrimCount(string object_id);
* llGetOmega LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetOmega();
* llGetOwnerKey ----
* llGetParcelDetails List<string> llGetParcelDetails(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, List<string> param);
* llGetParcelFlags int llGetParcelFlags(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos);
* llGetParcelMaxPrims int llGetParcelMaxPrims(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, int sim_wide);
* llGetParcelPrimCount int llGetParcelPrimCount(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, int category, int sim_wide);
* llGetParcelPrimOwners List<string> llGetParcelPrimOwners(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos);
* llGetPermissions int llGetPermissions();
* llGetPermissionsKey string llGetPermissionsKey();
* llGetPrimitiveParams void llGetPrimitiveParams();
* llGetRegionFlags int llGetRegionFlags();
* llGetRegionFPS double llGetRegionFPS();
* llGetRootPosition LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetRootPosition();
* llGetRootRotation LSL_Types.Quaternion llGetRootRotation();
* llGetScriptName ----
* llGetScriptState int llGetScriptState(string name);
* llGetStartParameter int llGetStartParameter();
* llGetStatus int llGetStatus(int status);
* llGetSunDirection LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetSunDirection();
* llGetTimeOfDay ----
* llGetTimestamp ----
* llGetTorque LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetTorque();
* llGetVel LSL_Types.Vector3 llGetVel();
* llGetWallclock ----
* llGiveInventory void llGiveInventory(string destination, string inventory);
* llGiveInventoryList void llGiveInventoryList();
* llGiveMoney int llGiveMoney(string destination, int amount);
* llGodLikeRezObject void llGodLikeRezObject(string inventory, LSL_Types.Vector3 pos);
* llGround double llGround(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset);
* llGroundContour LSL_Types.Vector3 llGroundContour(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset);
* llGroundNormal LSL_Types.Vector3 llGroundNormal(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset);
* llGroundRepel void llGroundRepel(double height, int water, double tau);
* llGroundSlope LSL_Types.Vector3 llGroundSlope(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset);
* llInsertString ----
* llInstantMessage void llInstantMessage(string user, string message);
* llIntegerToBase64 string llIntegerToBase64(int number);
* llKey2Name ----
* llList2ListStrided ----
* llListFindList ----
* llListRandomize ----
* llListReplaceList void llListReplaceList();
* llListSort ----
* llListStatistics double llListStatistics(int operation, List<string> src);
* llLoadURL void llLoadURL(string avatar_id, string message, string url);
* llLog ----
* llLog10 ----
* llLookAt void llLookAt(LSL_Types.Vector3 target, double strength, double damping);
* llLoopSound void llLoopSound(string sound, double volume);
* llLoopSoundMaster void llLoopSoundMaster(string sound, double volume);
* llLoopSoundSlave void llLoopSoundSlave(string sound, double volume);
* llMapDestination void llMapDestination(string simname, LSL_Types.Vector3 pos, LSL_Types.Vector3 look_at);
* llMD5String ----
* llMessageLinked void llMessageLinked(int linknum, int num, string str, string id);
* llMinEventDelay void llMinEventDelay(double delay);
* llModifyLand void llModifyLand(int action, int brush);
* llModPow ----
* llMoveToTarget void llMoveToTarget(LSL_Types.Vector3 target, double tau);
* llOverMyLand int llOverMyLand(string id);
* llOwnerSay void llOwnerSay(string msg);
* llParcelMediaCommandList ----
* llParcelMediaQuery void llParcelMediaQuery();
* llParseString2List void llParseString2List();
* llParseStringKeepNulls List<string> llParseStringKeepNulls(string src, List<string> seperators, List<string> spacers);
* llParticleSystem void llParticleSystem(List<Object> rules);
* llPassCollisions void llPassCollisions(int pass);
* llPassTouches void llPassTouches(int pass);
* llPlaySound void llPlaySound(string sound, double volume);
* llPlaySoundSlave void llPlaySoundSlave(string sound, double volume);
* llPointAt void llPointAt();
* llPreloadSound void llPreloadSound(string sound);
* llPushObject void llPushObject(string target, LSL_Types.Vector3 impulse, LSL_Types.Vector3 ang_impulse, int local);
* llRefreshPrimURL void llRefreshPrimURL();
* llRegionSay ----
* llReleaseCamera void llReleaseCamera();
* llReleaseControls void llReleaseControls();
* llRemoteDataSetRegion void llRemoteDataSetRegion();
* llRemoteLoadScript void llRemoteLoadScript();
* llRemoteLoadScriptPin void llRemoteLoadScriptPin(string target, string name, int pin, int running, int start_param);
* llRemoveFromLandBanList void llRemoveFromLandBanList(string avatar);
* llRemoveFromLandPassList void llRemoveFromLandPassList(string avatar);
* llRemoveInventory void llRemoveInventory(string item);
* llRemoveVehicleFlags void llRemoveVehicleFlags(int flags);
* llRequestAgentData string llRequestAgentData(string id, int data);
* llRequestInventoryData string llRequestInventoryData(string name);
* llRequestPermissions void llRequestPermissions(string agent, int perm);
* llRequestSimulatorData void llRequestSimulatorData(string simulator, int data);
* llResetLandBanList void llResetLandBanList();
* llResetLandPassList void llResetLandPassList();
* llResetOtherScript void llResetOtherScript(string name);
* llRezAtRoot void llRezAtRoot(string inventory, LSL_Types.Vector3 position, LSL_Types.Vector3 velocity, LSL_Types.Quaternion rot, int param);
* llRot2Angle ----
* llRot2Axis ----
* llRot2Euler ----
* llRot2Fwd ----
* llRot2Left ----
* llRot2Up ----
* llRotLookAt void llRotLookAt(LSL_Types.Quaternion target, double strength, double damping);
* llRotTarget int llRotTarget(LSL_Types.Quaternion rot, double error);
* llRotTargetRemove void llRotTargetRemove(int number);
* llSameGroup int llSameGroup(string agent);
* llScriptDanger void llScriptDanger(LSL_Types.Vector3 pos);
* llSendRemoteData ----
* llSensor void llSensor(string name, string id, int type, double range, double arc);
* llSensorRemove void llSensorRemove();
* llSensorRepeat void llSensorRepeat(string name, string id, int type, double range, double arc, double rate);
* llSetBuoyancy void llSetBuoyancy(double buoyancy);
* llSetCameraAtOffset void llSetCameraAtOffset(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset);
* llSetCameraEyeOffset void llSetCameraEyeOffset(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset);
* llSetCameraParams void llSetCameraParams(List<string> rules);
* llSetDamage void llSetDamage(double damage);
* llSetForce void llSetForce(LSL_Types.Vector3 force, int local);
* llSetForceAndTorque void llSetForceAndTorque(LSL_Types.Vector3 force, LSL_Types.Vector3 torque, int local);
* llSetHoverHeight void llSetHoverHeight(double height, int water, double tau);
* llSetInventoryPermMask void llSetInventoryPermMask(string item, int mask, int value);
* llSetLinkPrimitiveParams ----
* llSetLinkTexture ----
* llSetLocalRot void llSetLocalRot(LSL_Types.Quaternion rot);
* llSetObjectPermMask void llSetObjectPermMask(int mask, int value);
* llSetParcelMusicURL void llSetParcelMusicURL(string url);
* llSetPayPrice void llSetPayPrice(int price, List<string> quick_pay_buttons);
* llSetPrimitiveParams void llSetPrimitiveParams(List<string> rules);
* llSetPrimURL void llSetPrimURL();
* llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin void llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin(int pin);
* llSetScriptState void llSetScriptState(string name, int run);
* llSetSitText void llSetSitText(string text);
* llSetSoundQueueing void llSetSoundQueueing(int queue);
* llSetSoundRadius void llSetSoundRadius(double radius);
* llSetStatus void llSetStatus(int status, int value);
* llSetTextureAnim void llSetTextureAnim(int mode, int face, int sizex, int sizey, double start, double length, double rate);
* llSetTorque void llSetTorque(LSL_Types.Vector3 torque, int local);
* llSetTouchText void llSetTouchText(string text);
* llSetVehicleFlags void llSetVehicleFlags(int flags);
* llSetVehicleFloatParam ----
* llSetVehicleRotationParam void llSetVehicleRotationParam(int param, LSL_Types.Quaternion rot);
* llSetVehicleType void llSetVehicleType(int type);
* llSetVehicleVectorParam void llSetVehicleVectorParam(int param, LSL_Types.Vector3 vec);
* llSitTarget void llSitTarget(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset, LSL_Types.Quaternion rot);
* llSound void llSound();
* llSoundPreload void llSoundPreload();
* llStartAnimation void llStartAnimation(string anim);
* llStopAnimation void llStopAnimation(string anim);
* llStopHover void llStopHover();
* llStopLookAt void llStopLookAt();
* llStopMoveToTarget void llStopMoveToTarget();
* llStopPointAt void llStopPointAt();
* llStopSound void llStopSound();
* llStringLength ----
* llStringToBase64 ----
* llStringTrim ----
* llTakeCamera void llTakeCamera();
* llTakeControls void llTakeControls(int controls, int accept, int pass_on);
* llTarget int llTarget(LSL_Types.Vector3 position, double range);
* llTargetOmega void llTargetOmega(LSL_Types.Vector3 axis, double spinrate, double gain);
* llTargetRemove void llTargetRemove(int number);
* llTeleportAgentHome void llTeleportAgentHome(string agent);
* llTriggerSound void llTriggerSound(string sound, double volume);
* llTriggerSoundLimited void llTriggerSoundLimited(string sound, double volume, LSL_Types.Vector3 top_north_east, LSL_Types.Vector3 bottom_south_west);
* llUnSit void llUnSit(string id);
* llVolumeDetect void llVolumeDetect(int detect);
* llWater double llWater(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset);
* llWind LSL_Types.Vector3 llWind(LSL_Types.Vector3 offset);
Site Admin
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Joined: Sun Dec 28, 2008 2:44 pm

Re: Borked Functions?

Postby ZimBabwe » Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:49 am

Awesome. :mrgreen: Thanks so much! This will definitely help me quite a bit, and should also help the other scripters as well. yay!
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:03 pm

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